Thursday, April 5, 2012

Niagra Falls. I mean fell. Part II

Having your husband enter your hotel room in the middle of the night after you thought (assumed) he was asleep in the room (bed) with you all along is a leeetle bit disconcerting.

Having your husband climb into bed smelling slightly boozy and whispering in your ear that he just won $400 at the casino clarifies things quite nicely.

It was a nice memory. That pre-dawn report of money won. It was nice. Nice and nicely shattered by the two young ones clamoring for breakfast at 7:30AM.

Hot husband was out cold. Comatose and curled up, swathed in the post-coital web of a successful night at the tables. And Ruby. Goddamnit! Can I be here? PLEASE? I mean, her without having to go to middle school again? All leggy and gorgeous. Sound asleep and draped across her bed like an offering to the gods of A SOLID NIGHT'S SLEEP.

Another glance around the room and it was clear that ding! ding! I was the winner of an early morning trip to Perkins restaurant. Turns out I won the shit out of breakfast: Eggs, blueberry muffins and three kinds of syrup can do that for a person. It also turns out that I didn't have to assassinate the waitstaff since the coffee was prompt, hot and damn good.

SO. Fast forward to the indoor waterpark. It was a gamble, sure. But as doubling down was the way we were rolling at the moment...

Ruby was gone in a flash. Waterslides? Check. Waterslides with tubes? Check. Hanging out with the family? No. Not even close.

It was really fun. For a about an hour. Link was so stoked for all the water. He stood at the edge of the little kid's area and did his best arm-twirling, mouth whooshing, leg tensing dance of approval till he felt big boy enough to climb the stairs and try the slide.

He's just incredible, internets. He is the most beautiful baby. And the two or three times he made it down the mini incline took my breath away to see him so happy. Then came the random-spouts-of-water-that-hit-smaller-than-average-three-year-olds-square-in-the-face part of the day. GAME OVER.

Had it been any other day, any other play-date and it would have been the end of the line for the girls, too. Lincoln is the priority. His emotional safety trumps all. But it wasn't any day it was this day and on this day I had my husband. My husband who lives and breathes this boy. He swooped in, dried his tears, squeezed him tight and bought him chips ("ipps") at the snack bar.

Then there were two. Me and the PJ. In the wave pool. FOR DAYS. Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama. MAMA! MAMA!. mama. mama. mama. Girlfriend can perseverate with the best of them.

We were traveling with a great, mellow family and my people's personal craziness was fully accepted and ingested with the gallons of over chlorinated pool water we were imbibing.

Really, to be honest, our first full day (and night) was a relative success.

Me and the hot husband didn't get to get down, we didn't get to the casino (or anywhere else) alone. But we did enjoy dinner with our friends (all 11 of us!), the girls didn't bicker and Link recovered nicely from the waterpark experience.

We went to bed happy AND we woke up happy the next morning. And we were psyched to take the kids to the Falls.


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